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Sahara Rose: A seriously "Lit" Spiritual Guru

Sahara Rose Ketabi, known to many as Sahara Rose, stands out as a transformative figure in today’s spiritual and wellness communities not just for her vast knowledge, but for her unique and special vibe. She is captivating millions with her witty sense of humor, beautiful looks, and musical talents as well. She is redefining what it means to be spiritual in the best ways. Her early life, shaped by the trials faced by her family. Her father was an Iranian immigrant and her mother was an Iranian refugee, fueling her deeply empathetic heart with a mission of empowerment and change. Rather than letting the challenges of political imprisonment, female suppression, and being seen as "different" define her, as it has many others with similar backgrounds, Sahara turned these experiences into a driving force for personal and global transformation, and she did so with style.

From Early Activism to a Spiritual Quest

Sahara’s commitment to social justice began in her teenage years. She threw herself into impactful work, starting with more hands-on work from the very beginning, volunteering for at-risk youth in Boston and participating in a global justice program in Costa Rica, all before she had even turned 16. She also established her high school’s Amnesty International chapter, organizing protests and educational events drawing awareness in her community to pressing issues in the Middle East and Africa. By the age of 18, Sahara had already made significant contributions, and continued to volunteer in more than 2 continents such as Asia, South America, and North America.

These early experiences were fueled by her readings of Howard Zinn, Dr. Martin Luther King, Ghandi and more, who inspired her with their teachings on nonviolent resistance and social justice. Sahara’s profound awareness of global issues and her commitment to activism laid the foundation for her future endeavors in spiritual and personal development.

A New Beginning: Discovering Ayurveda

Despite her successes in activism and academic pursuits, Sahara felt a growing disconnect from her true purpose. Her work in Washington, D.C. and the political, yet purposeful, nature of her endeavors, studying to become an international human rights lawyer, left her feeling drained and unfulfilled. She realized that her true calling was not just about political change but about serving humanity in a more holistic, direct, and meaningful way.

This realization came during a difficult period marked by health issues. After transferring to Boston University to be closer to her family, Sahara began a blog, where she shared recipes and frequent affirmations. After gaining some popularity and seeing the direct profound impact she could have, Sahara Rose, felt renewed vigor and was bestowed a brief insight into her, Dharma.

Her journey took a pivotal turn when she discovered Ayurveda while doing coursework for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, which she had enrolled in to further her knowledge, both for her and her readers, about the relationship between how food is prepared, the nutrient content, and impacts on absorption of such nutrients. Struggling with health challenges herself, Sahara found Ayurveda to be a revelation. Ayurveda, an ancient system of medicine that focuses on balance and holistic health, offered not just physical relief but also a deeper understanding of the mind, body, and soul. This newfound clarity and peace were transformative, helping her overcome the mental chatter that had previously clouded her thoughts.

To deepen her understanding of Ayurveda, Sahara traveled to India, where she enrolled in an Ayurvedic school outside Delhi. Her Persian-Indian heritage, combined with her multi-cultural insights living and travelling to various countries, made this journey particularly meaningful. In India, she immersed herself in Ayurvedic philosophy and began rethinking how to adapt it for modern needs. Even pioneering the only Dosha quiz on the market, and breaking down your Ayurvedic Mind-Body Type, to find the best recipes and curate customized results for each and everyone. To take the free 90-second quiz and find out your Dosha, click here.

Rose Gold Goddesses: Cultivating a Global Sisterhood

Sahara’s vision for empowering women took shape with the creation of Rose Gold Goddesses, a global collective dedicated to spiritual growth and feminine empowerment. This divine feminine mystery school serves as a sanctuary for women seeking enlightenment, connection, and personal growth. Through Rose Gold Goddesses, Sahara has built a supportive community where women can explore their spiritual paths and engage in practices that align with their divine feminine energy.

The collective offers a range of activities, including workshops, rituals, and courses designed to help members connect with their inner wisdom and divine purpose. The sense of sisterhood and mutual support within Rose Gold Goddesses allows women to share their experiences and learn from each other, fostering a space where they can embrace their spiritual gifts and unlock their fullest potential. This quickly made it a fan favorite within the plethora of useful resources offered by Sahara Rose, as of the time of writing this article there is a waiting list which you can sign up for and check out for yourself here.

Music and Art as Expressions of Divine Feminine Energy

Sahara is also known for her vibrant art and music. As an artist and DJ, she blends Middle Eastern and Afro Beats with spiritually uplifting lyrics, creating music that resonates with listeners and enhances their spiritual journeys. With over one million streams, Sahara’s music is a reflection of her spiritual teachings and her commitment to divine femininity.

Her music isn’t just a creative outlet; it’s an extension of her spiritual mission. By infusing her work with spiritual wisdom, Sahara offers a soundtrack for those seeking to align with their higher selves and navigate their spiritual paths. Each beat and lyric is designed to elevate consciousness and connect listeners with the divine feminine energy, helping them embrace their inner strength and wisdom.

Guiding Others to Their Dharma: Starting the Highest Self Institute

Sahara’s greatest passion is helping others discover and live their highest purpose or, dharma, an ancient Sanskrit concept that refers to one's unique purpose and the cosmic law guiding moral and spiritual order. As co-founder of the Highest Self Institute, she has established a unique platform for training Dharma and Spiritual Life Coaches. This institute equips individuals with the tools and wisdom needed to guide others in finding their own purpose, creating a ripple effect of healing and fulfillment.

In addition, Sahara Rose, offers a wide range of resources to help pinpoint your dharma such as Sahara’s Dharma Archetypes™ system, which identifies core soul archetypes such as the Visionary, Teacher, Artist, Entrepreneur, Warrior, Activist, Researcher and More. Each archetype represents a different way individuals can express their unique gifts and align with their soul’s mission. Her Dharma Archetype Quiz provides an accessible way for people to explore their archetypes and begin their journey toward discovering their purpose.

In addition to her archetype system, Sahara's book, Discover Your Dharma, -which includes a foreword from Deepak Chopra- serves as a personal guide to finding purpose, overcoming fears, and reclaiming your truth. Ranked number one as a new release in spirituality, the book includes exclusive bonuses like a guided meditation, EFT practice, and Sahara's Dharma Embodiment Practice to help you unlock your inner gifts. We'll delve deeper into her other notable works in the next section.

Books, Courses, and Collaborations

Sahara is also a 4x best-selling author, whose books offer practical guidance on nutrition, lifestyle, and spiritual alignment. A few examples are her most notable books, Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda and Eat Feel Fresh: A Contemporary Plant-Based Ayurvedic Cookbook, which have become essential resources for integrating ancient wisdom into modern life. Both books feature forewords by Deepak Chopra, who has praised Sahara as “a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift.”

Sahara’s partnership with Deepak Chopra extends to the 31-Day Transformation Challenge on his health-improvement app, Jiyo, a wellness platform designed to guide individuals through a month of personal transformation. For more about Deepak Chopra’s influence and contributions, check out our detailed article on his life and work.

A Leading Voice in Wellness and Social Media

Sahara’s influence is evident in her extensive social media presence. With over 650,000 followers, including 400,000 engaged Instagram users, Sahara’s content provides daily inspiration, spiritual insights, and practical advice. Her Instagram feed is a rich source of guidance for those seeking to overcome obstacles and align with their dharma.

In addition to her social media presence, Sahara hosts the Highest Self Podcast, which has been ranked as the number one podcast in the spiritual category for the past seven years. On this platform, Sahara delves into topics of spirituality, personal growth, and dharma, offering both interviews with thought leaders and her own insights on living in alignment with one’s highest self. The Highest Self Podcast has become a go-to resource for those seeking spiritual awakening, helping listeners deepen their understanding and live more consciously.

As a keynote speaker, Sahara has shared her insights on prestigious stages like Mindvalley, Google, and Facebook. Her role as the nutrition speaker for Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign at Harvard underscores her commitment to global wellness.

A Capricorn’s Mission to Awaken the World

As a Capricorn, Sahara’s grounded approach and dedication to her purpose shine through her work. She believes that everyone has a divine purpose encoded within their gifts and passions. Sahara’s mission is to help others awaken to their inner wisdom and align their lives with their soul’s calling.

Through her music, teachings, and community efforts, Sahara Rose bridges ancient wisdom and contemporary life. Her work continues to inspire a global movement of individuals committed to raising the planet’s vibration and co-creating a more harmonious and loving world. Overall, Sahara’s journey which reflects her deep connection to her cultural roots and broad perspective on the world. Her experiences and teachings highlight her understanding of both her heritage and the universal quest for spiritual fulfillment.

-Star Seed-




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