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Safeguarding Your Journey: A Guide to Shadow-Proof Your Avatar Body

A forcefield blocking dark energy

In the realm of holistic healing, Egyptian priestess and Heka practitioner Goddess Ion (@goddess_ion on Instagram) stands out as a beacon of wisdom. Through our conversation, we explored the ancient art of safeguarding your "avatar body" – your energetic self – during the transformative journey of healing. This blog post unpacks the practices and principles gleaned from that insightful exchange, empowering you to navigate the challenges that can arise on your own path to wholeness.

The path to healing can be fraught with unforeseen detours. What began as a quest for transformation can leave you feeling lost or even worse. This guide offers a beacon of light, equipping you with the tools to navigate these challenges. Here, you'll discover the ancient art of safeguarding your "avatar body" – your energetic self. By harnessing the wisdom of time-tested practices and understanding the science behind energetic principles, you can cultivate a safe container that empowers your healing journey. Forget magic tricks; this is about unlocking the potent science of energetic protection. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring the foundational practices that will equip you for success.

Shielding Your Avatar Body

Have you been struggling to heal, feeling like your journey stretches into an endless night? There's a powerful tool to illuminate your path: a protective circle for your avatar body.

Many embark on healing journeys, only to find themselves pulled deeper into the shadows of despair. If this resonates within you, keep reading. Before diving into the heart of healing work, foundational practices are essential to safeguard your energetic field.

This concept has roots that reach back to ancient Egypt, where they called it "heka" (pronounced "heh-kah"). It's the knowledge of energy and its manipulation, a principle understood by many civilizations under different names (Chi, Prana, etc.) but with similar practices. It's about connecting deeply with nature, the elements, and the very essence of energy itself. By harnessing this knowledge, you can create a safe container for your avatar body while you heal – a concept the Greeks might have called "magic," but as the wise magicians know, it's truly a potent science. They understand the truth: it's only magic for the audience; the magician on the stage knows it's all about understanding and manipulating the underlying energetic principles.

Here are three key tools to empower your healing journey:

  1. Cast a Circle of Protection: This is the first and most crucial step. A protective circle ensures no dark entities can enter your space and tamper with your healing process. This is especially important during healing work involving plant medicine, where your energetic vulnerability increases. Unusual urges or shadows surfacing within your avatar body after such journeys could indicate the presence of an entity.

Dark entities, as some traditions describe them, are drawn to negative emotions like guilt and shame. These emotions act as a kind of energetic food source for them. Following a plant medicine journey, you might experience unusual urges or shadow aspects that weren't previously present. This could be anything from sudden same-sex attraction (if not previously experienced) to violent thoughts.

Why do these urges appear? Once attached to your energy field, these entities may encourage you to act on these "shameful" desires. Their goal is to keep you trapped in a cycle of negativity, feeding off the guilt and shame that arises from such actions.

This is precisely why casting a circle of protection is so vital. It creates a safe container that minimizes the risk of energetic intrusion.

So, before embarking on any healing work, remember: casting a circle of protection is paramount. It's the foundation for a safe and empowered healing journey.

The Power of Consent on Your Healing Journey

We've established the importance of creating a safe container for your avatar body. Now, let's delve deeper into another crucial element: consent.

Consent is the cornerstone of everything in the energetic realm, including your healing journey. Just as it applies in the physical world, everything in the universe operates under the principle of consent. This includes energy itself.

There are two primary forms of consent: active and passive. Active consent is a conscious choice. Someone asks you something, and you actively choose to participate, perhaps after seeking information or clarification. Passive consent, on the other hand, is more subtle. It occurs when you don't question or investigate something, simply accepting it by default.

Here's the key: becoming aware of your energetic surroundings is vital. Everything is energy, and it can impact you based on the consent you give it. By simply claiming your space and speaking your truth, you can shift the energetic landscape around you. These entities and energies are then forced to move on, though the extent depends on your own belief system. If you doubt your power, you essentially give them permission to linger.

Understanding energetic principles empowers you. Know this: nothing can access your energy without your consent. This concept is alluded to in many ancient texts and religious references to "demonic possession."

Many religions throughout history have spoken of possession by malevolent entities. Christianity, for example, details elaborate rituals of exorcism to expel demons from individuals believed to be under their influence. Similar concepts exist in Judaism, Islam, and various indigenous belief systems around the world. However, in actuality, many of these “exorcisms” are excessively complicated and show minimal results. Luckily, we have a plan for that.  

If you would like a powerful tool to reclaim your power and re-establish energetic boundaries within your space and avatar body, look no further. Repeat after me this incantation:

"I revoke consent for any Energies that do not love me unconditionally to be in this space. I do not hear you, I do not fear you, I will not be near you. As I speak, so it is. As above, so below. As within, so without. It is done. You are banished. I am free."

Remember, you are more powerful than you think. Every intentional act is, in essence, a magical act. With your words, you have the power to shape your own energetic universe.

Mastering Your Energy - The Battery Behind Your Words

We've covered creating a safe container and the power of consent. Now, let's explore the foundation that empowers both: mastering your energy.

Imagine yourself as a powerful battery. The stronger your energetic field (aura or "oric field" in some traditions), the more potent your words become. Mastering your energy is about charging this battery to its full potential.

So, how do we achieve this energetic mastery? There are many modalities to explore, but some key principles hold true across them all.

1. Conscious Consumption: Everything you consume feeds your avatar body – physical food, mental input (media and music), and the energy of your environment (people, practices). Be mindful of how these choices impact your energetic field.

Here's where the profound connection between body, mind, and soul comes into play. What you feed your body affects your mind, what you feed your mind affects your soul, and so on. It's a beautiful cycle of interconnectedness.

Nourishing your body with healthy food fuels your mental clarity and emotional well-being. Conversely, unhealthy choices can lead to sluggishness and negativity, impacting your spirit. Similarly, feeding your mind with uplifting thoughts and experiences empowers you. Bombarding it with negativity creates a ripple effect, ultimately affecting your soul's journey.

Every day, you make choices that nudge yourself towards enlightenment or deeper unconsciousness. You have the power to choose. You can pull from multiple timelines, shaping your reality moment by moment. Ask yourself:

  • What timeline am I choosing right now?

  • Is it one where I'm protected by a circle of light?

  • Is it one where I act with conscious consent?

  • Is it one where I'm actively amplifying my energy?

By making such conscious choices, you move closer to achieving your soul's purpose.

Remember, your words are only as powerful as the energy behind them. Master that energy, and you become a true co-creator of your reality.

Author's Note: The concepts and practices explored in this blog post were inspired by insights gleaned from an interview with Egyptian Preistess Goddess Ion (May 5, 2024)



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