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Energy Cysts Demystified: What You Need to Know

Energy Healing

Your physical body is a remarkable vessel, navigating through life's experiences while striving to maintain balance and well-being. However, sometimes emotions, memories, and traumas can manifest as energy cysts, lingering in your tissues and disrupting the flow of energy throughout your being. These pockets of unresolved emotional energy can impact your physical and spiritual alignment, often leading to pain, discomfort, or a nagging sense of imbalance.

In this article, we'll delve into the profound concept of energy cysts, exploring their nature, their potential impact on your holistic well-being, and the healing modalities that can help you release these emotional residues. Whether stemming from childhood experiences, traumatic events, or the chaotic energy of life's challenges, energy cysts can be a fascinating doorway to self-discovery and personal growth.

What are Energy Cysts?

You are a remarkable vessel, navigating through life's experiences while striving to maintain balance and well-being. However, sometimes emotions, memories, and traumas can manifest as energy cysts, lingering in your tissues and disrupting the flow of energy throughout your being. Let's delve into understanding these profound energy imprints.

Definition and Explanation of Energy Cysts

Energy cysts are pockets of unresolved emotional energy stored within your physical body. They are emotional imprints or localized areas of stress that your body has walled off to prevent them from spreading throughout the entire system. These cysts act as rocks or stones in the river of your bodily energy flow, causing ripples or disturbances that can translate into physical pain, illness, or a nagging feeling of discomfort.

How They are Formed in the Body

According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. When you experience a physical trauma, like a car accident, the energy of that event is absorbed by your body. This penetration of chaotic energy causes the formation of a localized "ball" that your body must figure out how to handle.

Your emotions carry tremendous energy, especially in the wake of a physically traumatic event. However, you may not have the tools to process these intense emotions completely. As a result, they linger in your tissues as energy cysts until they can properly get your attention to revisit and potentially resolve and release them.

Relation to Traumatic Events and Emotional Energy

It's completely normal and expected for all individuals to form energy cysts over time. You don't necessarily have to have experienced a "traditional" trauma to have energy cysts in your body. Each person's path through life is unique, and it's not uncommon to store emotions from various experiences, such as:

  1. Your birth experience

  2. Traumatic childhood

  3. Catching a severe illness in college

  4. Anxiety for a loved one (e.g. son/daughter)

No matter what you go through in life, if you have strong emotions about a physical event that you cannot fully process or experience in your body, you could potentially create an energy cyst. The body often retains the emotional imprint of both physical trauma and the intense feelings associated with it.

Impact of Energy Cysts

Effects on Physical and Energetic Body

Energy cysts can have a profound impact on both your physical and energetic body. Physically, these pockets of unresolved emotional energy can manifest as pain or disease, affecting the flow of energy throughout your being. Over time, your physical structure, especially your skeletal alignment and muscular tension, may shift in response to these cysts, leading to micro-compensations that you often don't notice.

On an energetic level, energy cysts act as roadblocks in the busy highway of your body's energy system. They disrupt the natural flow of energy, causing ripples or disturbances that can translate into a nagging feeling of discomfort or imbalance.

Potential Causes of Pain, Discomfort, and Illness

The presence of energy cysts can contribute to a wide range of physical and emotional issues, including:

  1. Chronic pain in specific areas of the body

  2. Recurring illnesses or weakened immune system

  3. Emotional distress or mood imbalances

  4. Fatigue or lack of vitality

  5. Difficulty in achieving a sense of inner peace or balance

These cysts can act as energetic blockages, hindering the body's natural ability to heal and maintain equilibrium.

Disruption of Natural Energy Flow

According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. When you experience a physical trauma, such as a car accident, the energy of that event is absorbed by your body. This penetration of chaotic energy can cause the formation of a localized "ball" that your body must figure out how to handle.

If you are healthy, balanced, and vital, your body can usually release this ball of energy quickly. However, in many cases, our bodies start to compress it into a smaller and smaller area to reduce the negative impacts on surrounding tissues. This compression eventually leads to the formation of an energy cyst, disrupting the natural flow of energy throughout your being.

Detecting and Releasing Energy Cysts

Role of CranioSacral therapists and bodyworkers

Luckily, in the hands of a trained CranioSacral therapist or bodyworker, these energy cysts can be safely and lovingly released using a technique called SomatoEmotional Release ®. As a practitioner, my hope for all clients is to find a sense of ease and balance, and removing energy cysts is one of the ways to facilitate that shift. However, CranioSacral therapy is not about forcing the body in any way. Your body already knows how to heal, but it may need a helping hand to get things started.

SomatoEmotional Release technique

The SomatoEmotional Release technique is a gentle, non-invasive approach that allows the body to release energy cysts at its own pace. During this process, you may notice certain emotions, words, or images popping up, and you may even feel your body changing positions. This is your body's way of communicating that it wants to let go of something in that specific area. The practitioner uses the tissue as a medium to dialogue – verbally or non-verbally – with the part holding the pain or larger story.

Body's own communication during release process

No matter how the release process unfolds, SomatoEmotional Release ® is a natural process that our bodies do all the time – we just may need extra help when it comes to larger traumas in life. Numbness, lack of feeling, or lack of sensation is a different kind of holding, acknowledging that something is walled off. As a therapist, I aim to support the person in coming back into healthy sensation and connecting with feelings. Naming and claiming what may have been unknown is an important part of the healing process.

Additional Healing Modalities: Meditation and Breathwork

While CranioSacral therapy and SomatoEmotional Release offer powerful avenues for addressing energy cysts, incorporating meditation and breathwork into your healing journey can further enhance your ability to release these emotional residues. Both practices are deeply rooted in ancient traditions and have been shown to facilitate profound healing and transformation.

Meditation: Creating Space for Healing

Meditation is a practice that involves focused attention and mindfulness, allowing you to connect with your inner self and create a state of deep relaxation. This relaxed state is conducive to healing, as it reduces stress and promotes a sense of inner peace. When it comes to energy cysts, meditation can be particularly beneficial in several ways:

1. Heightened Awareness: Through regular meditation, you develop a heightened awareness of your body's sensations and emotions. This awareness can help you identify areas where energy cysts might be present, as you become more attuned to the subtle signals of discomfort or imbalance.

2. Emotional Release: Meditation provides a safe space to explore and release trapped emotions. By focusing on your breath and observing your thoughts without judgment, you can allow buried emotions to surface and dissipate, reducing the energy held within cysts.

3. Visualization Techniques: Guided meditations that involve visualization can be particularly effective. Visualizing the release of energy cysts as you breathe can facilitate the physical and energetic unblocking of these pockets of emotional energy.

4. Stress Reduction: Regular meditation lowers overall stress levels, which can prevent the formation of new energy cysts and promote the healing of existing ones. A calm, balanced mind creates an environment where the body can naturally heal itself.

Breathwork: Harnessing the Power of the Breath

Breathwork involves conscious control of the breath to influence physical, mental, and emotional states. Different techniques can be used to address various issues, including the release of energy cysts. Here are a few ways breathwork can assist in this healing process:

1. Pranayama: This ancient yogic practice involves regulating the breath to balance the body's energy. Techniques like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and Kapalabhati (skull-shining breath) can help clear energy blockages and promote the free flow of prana (life force).

2. Holotropic Breathwork: Developed by Stanislav Grof, this technique involves rapid, deep breathing to induce altered states of consciousness. In these states, individuals can access and release deep-seated emotional and physical trauma, aiding in the resolution of energy cysts.

3. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Also known as deep belly breathing, this technique engages the diaphragm to promote relaxation and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system. It can help reduce tension and facilitate the release of energy cysts by calming the body's stress response.

4. Integrative Breathwork: Combining elements of various breathwork techniques, integrative breathwork focuses on holistic healing. It can help release stored emotional energy, promote mental clarity, and restore energetic balance.


The profound concept of energy cysts sheds light on the intricate interplay between our physical and emotional realms. As we navigate life's experiences, it's natural for our bodies to accumulate these pockets of unresolved emotional energy, which can disrupt the harmonious flow of vital forces within us. Recognizing the presence of energy cysts and seeking gentle, non-invasive modalities like SomatoEmotional Release, meditation, and breathwork offers a path to restoring balance and well-being.

Ultimately, the journey of detecting and releasing energy cysts is a profound act of self-discovery and healing. By allowing our bodies to communicate their stories and release what no longer serves us, we open ourselves to a renewed sense of vitality, inner peace, and alignment with our authentic selves. Embracing this process with patience and compassion can profoundly impact our overall well-being, reminding us of the remarkable wisdom inherent within our beings.


1. What are the steps to expel an energy cyst? To expel an energy cyst, the facilitator touches the subject and tunes into the body's preferred response, assisting the body in adopting the position it was in at the time of injury. This process results in the relaxation of tissues and the expulsion of the energy cyst.



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