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A Spiritual Journey: Your Guide to Chakra Balancing and Harmony

Welcome to this nurturing meditation guide, designed to help you balance your chakras and cultivate inner peace. Use this guide upon rising, before bed, or anytime you feel ungrounded or experience uncomfortable emotions. This practice invites you to reconnect with your inner self and align your energy centers for a harmonious existence.

Find a quiet place where you can sit or lie comfortably, turn on this playlist, and breathe deeply. Engage with each affirmation while visualizing the beautiful, symbolic color associated with each chakra.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Place your hands in the shape of a pyramid and rest them in front of you on the ground. Close your eyes and visualize the color red, the color of the rubies of the earth. Reading aloud…

  • "I am safe in my body, and ground myself into the love of mother earth."

  • "I am secure in my path, and each step is divinely guided."

  • "I am grounded in my body, the earth, and my purpose."

  • "I am stable in my emotions and foundation."

  • "I am strong, and I can keep going."

  • "I am at peace with my surroundings."

  • "I am connected to the Earth."

  • "My Root chakra is balanced and aligned."

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Place your pyramid hands in front of your energetic womb space with the tips of your fingers pointing to the ground. Close your eyes and visualize the color orange, the color of a vivid sunset sky. Reading aloud…

  • "I feel creativity coursing through my chakra."

  • "I feel open to life and all its abundant possibilities."

  • "I feel passionate about what I am creating in my life and the world."

  • "I feel nurturing to myself, others, and the planet."

  • "I feel deserving of pleasure."

  • "I feel deeply connected to my emotions and honor them as the guides that they are."

  • "I feel joy and bliss in my body, and release any feelings of guilt and shame held there."

  • "My Sacral chakra is balanced and aligned."

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Place your pyramid hands in front of your belly button with fingers pointing to the sky. Visualize the color golden yellow, the color of the radiant sun. Reading aloud…

  • "I do things that empower me."

  • "I do actions that align with my highest good."

  • "I do challenges with courage."

  • "I do trust in my inner strength."

  • "I do assert my willpower."

  • "I do express my authenticity."

  • "I do succeed in my endeavors."

  • "My Solar Plexus chakra is balanced and aligned."

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Place your pyramid hands in front of your heart with fingers pointing to the sky. Visualize the color green, the color of the trees and nature. Reading aloud…

  • "I love unconditionally."

  • "I love myself deeply."

  • "I love and accept others."

  • "I love and cherish my relationships."

  • "I love connecting with nature."

  • "I love living in harmony."

  • "I love with openness and trust."

  • "My Heart chakra is balanced and aligned."

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Place your pyramid hands in front of your throat and visualize the color light blue, the color of the clear sky above us. Reading aloud…

  • "I speak truthfully because my words are powerful."

  • "I speak with clarity and breathe life into my vision."

  • "I speak with integrity, because that is my authentic healthy state."

  • "I speak with the kindness that I wish to see in the world."

  • "I speak my needs and desires from an authentic authority over myself."

  • "I speak and listen deeply because I understand my ears and my voice are intricately connected."

  • "I speak to heal myself and others."

  • "My Throat chakra is balanced and aligned."

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

Place your pyramid hands in front of your forehead and visualize the color indigo, the color of the deep ocean. Reading aloud…

  • "I see the truth in all things. No lies can deceive me."

  • "I see beyond appearances and into the energetic unseen, activating my clairvoyance and clairsentience."

  • "I see my inner wisdom and open myself to my own remembering."

  • "I see paths to solutions and thank the universe for showing me that all my concerns are already handled."

  • "I see my dreams clearly and I move towards them with conscious passion and patience."

  • "I see the connection between all things as we are all one."

  • "I see my highest self speaking to me and guiding me along with my ancestors and spirit guides."

  • "My Third Eye chakra is balanced and aligned."

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Place your pyramid hands on top of your head and visualize the color violet or white, the color of ancient lotus petals and royalty. Reading aloud…

  • "I understand my divine purpose and I am fully dialed into the who, what, where, and why."

  • "I understand the universe's flow and allow myself to ride those beautiful waves of conscious movement."

  • "I understand the interconnectedness of all life."

  • "I understand and respect I am limitless and made of the ethers."

  • "I understand my past is available to be alchemized into my superpowers."

  • "I understand and embrace spiritual insights learned through my challenges and struggles."

  • "I understand the importance of liberation from the mind into higher states of being."

  • "My Crown chakra is balanced and aligned."

Continue to visualize the beam of light connecting and illuminating each chakra, glowing brightly in its color.

Hold onto this feeling of balance and harmony as you gently open your eyes, experiencing how it feels to be present and grounded in an aligned body.

Feel free to use this guidance as needed to maintain balance and promote inner peace.


Balancing your chakras is a profound way to connect with your inner self and the universe. Through this guide, you've learned to engage with each chakra's unique energy, fostering a harmonious and aligned existence. Remember, this practice is a journey of self-discovery and healing, offering you the tools to maintain balance and promote inner peace.

By incorporating these meditative practices into your daily routine, you honor the divine energy within and around you. Embrace this path with an open heart, and let the transformative power of chakra balancing lead you to a state of harmony and spiritual fulfillment.

-Goddess Iôn-



Q: What is chakra balancing? A: Chakra balancing is the practice of aligning and harmonizing the body's energy centers, known as chakras, to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Q: How often should I do this meditation? A: This meditation can be done upon rising, before bed, or anytime you feel ungrounded or experience uncomfortable emotions.

Q: Do I need any special tools or materials? A: No special tools are required. Just find a quiet, comfortable space, and use this playlist if you wish.

Q: What if I can't visualize the colors? A: Visualization can be challenging at first. Focus on the affirmations and the sensations in your body, and with practice, visualization will become easier.

Q: Can I modify the affirmations? A: Absolutely. Feel free to personalize the affirmations to better resonate with your individual needs and experiences.



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